BPJS call centre for service information

Having a BPJS call center is something that is absolutely needed for its users. BPJS itself is divided into two parts, namely employment and health.  In general, it is the users of this Social Security whochoose the type. Bothinsurances have different unified contacts.

Therefore, before using the service from the social organization agency, you should check the number first if it is true.   Layanan call terpadup is a forum for social security owners to ask questionsabout information and products.

The BPJS recruitment call centre  is 1500910 contacted  .   Not only questions about the service, the contact can also be used  as a place to guide suggestions and input.  Complaints about the performance of BPJS staff   can also be filed  at this figure.

Unlike the type of work, to make a call to the call center at BPJS Kesehatan, you should call 1500 400. In a service contact, you canget a variety of necessary information. Interestingly, the  integrated service center is accessed  for  a  full 24 hours for 1 week.

Learn about BPJS types in choosing the right service

In order to be able to connect to  the BPJS call center  correctly, you must know different types of products and services first. As a form of social security or insurance, BPJS has a fairly important role in people’s lives. To understand more about this insurance, it’s good to know its types.

BPJS itself is a program established by the government in order to provide guarantees to the community. These guarantees vary greatly from health to the economy through the type of work. The purpose of this programme is to improve the well-being of the Indonesian people. Having insurance helps protect public health.

The BPJS Health and Employment Call Center can be used to learn more about the products provided. Health insurance has several different types. One of them is involved in contributing assistance. This insurance targets the poor. To obtain this type of insurance it is not necessary to make a registration.

Beneficiaries of health insurance contribution assistance have already been registered as unable to pay such assistance so that they do not have to pay. Persons with a complete disability are also entitled to it. BPJS-PBI beneficiaries are not limited to the poor only. The type of service obtained is also different, namely the third category.

The next type is not the recipient of the dues.  Insurance sharing is committed topaying contributions each month in order to receive all benefits later.   Social security members are also divided into several sections, namely regular wage earners with examples of diverse occupations.

Various BPJS call center services

One type of insurance offered by the government is BPJS recruitment. The existence of this insurance aims to provide adequate economic guarantees to the community. The government has obliged companies to enroll employees in this type of insurance.

There are at least 4 guarantees for participants who have this insurance. Among them are death, work accidents, pensions and old age. By having these four programs, it certainly makes it easy for workers, especially to get protection. You can ask about different types of programs by contacting the call center.

You can also get different information about the service by contacting the BJPS call center. Membership type can be easily known by contacting the call center. The same membership types are divided into four, namely PPU, PBPU, Jakon and PMI. Each membership has different attributes based on the profession.

Jakon or construction workers have a mechanism for insurance membership registration by contractors. There are two types of programs with payments from contractors, namely Social Security in JKK form and deaths from work accidents. In general, beneficiaries of this insurance include day laborers etc.  For the other type, i.e. PBPU.

People with a PBPU category are workers with independent income. Participants in this insurance are independent workers outside the formal sector. The same types include traders, lawyers and angkot drivers. Perlindungan is in the form of old age insurance or JHT , accidents resulting from death and work.

BPJS call center by knowing the terms of the requirements

In general,  many people  contact the call center for different information.

JHT participants need to follow several stages, such as the registration process. This aging guarantee is granted if some participant’s requirements are met. These requirements include being 56 years of age or older and being permanently disabled until death.

In addition to these requirements, you can also ask the BPJS Call Center about the rules provided. Meanwhile, for the retirement age, there is nothing like when a Social Security member decides to resign from the company. Participants with layoffs can also benefit. There are two ways to take advantage of JHT.

Participants who are not yet 56 years old but have decided to resign from the company can only get half. For other taking conditions, it has been 10 years. Access to benefits deals with its own provisions and has only once the opportunity to take it.

Having an old age guarantee programme really helps workers continue to benefit even though it is no longer different. With JHT protection program in existence, workers will still be economically protected even though they won’t be able to work. As part of the government’s social security program, JHT is very useful.

BPJS call center for different information

JKK is the most common insurance obtained from BPJS employment because it is part of social security protection.   The guarantee programme includes  compensation and maintenance costs. At the same time, participants in this category of beneficiaries have been exposed to accidents of workplace-related diseases.

The amount of JKK fees you charge yourself depends on business risk. For low-risk JKK, the cost burden is 0.24 percent of total salary per month. Each level of risk has a different percentage of payment depending on the height. The higher the business risk, the higher the percentage of payment.

CAll BPJS centers can also help understand other programs besides Social Security in the form of work accidents. One widely owned is JKM or Death Insurance. As the name suggests, program benefits are only obtained by workers who died at work and were registered as members.

Like other types of death insurance, the beneficiaries are the families of JKM participants or heirs. Insurance is provided in the form of cash. Only participants who are still employed can obtain this warranty program. There is a fee from the salary paid for this single contribution.

As a social security, BPJS has different types and protection programs specifically targeting registered people. With these many programs, you can get information about types, benefits and requirements through the BPJS call center contact.

Category: General